
Abundance of Vampire Fish in US lakes linked to Covid-19

Sea Lamprey, a notorious creature is also called ‘vampire fish’ by common people, which has a terrible appearance. She has tooth-like bulges on her mouth, to which she clings and drinks blood to other fish in large numbers. Now, it has been claimed again that sea lamprey is abundant in American lakes.

Vampire fish looks like a sea snake with pointed and hard teeth in circles on the edge of its mouth. Interestingly, this creature is found in the Northern and Western Atlantic Oceans, but in the 19th century, it somehow reached the American and Canadian lakes.

Sea Lamprey Vampire Fish is on rise in US lakes

In just 10 years, sea lamprey clenched his paws in all five major lakes of America. Vampire fish started eating fish from the lakes, which are famous fish of commercial nature including trout. Even the annual production of these delicious fish has decreased from 15 million pounds to only 500,000 pounds. The reason is that vampire fish cling to fish and suck their blood and kill them.

Although many attempts were made to kill this terrible vampire fish, their breed grew rapidly during the Covid epidemic of 2020 and 2021. Now the population of sea lamprey is increasing rapidly and has become a life-threatening reason of other fish. According to experts, it will take 15 to 20 million dollars annually to get rid of this vampire fish.

Nasir Taimoori

Nasir Taimoori is a freelance journalist working for different digital publications. He writes on various social, national and international issues. He also has an interest in translation. If you want to contribute or share anything, feel free to contact us:

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