Healthy Drinks for Healthful Life Style

Drinks are very helpful and essential for our healthy life. Proper amount of fluid content is necessary for the healthy body. 70% of our body is water which is situated in every cells, tissues and organs. This water content is highly essential for healthful body functioning and existence of life. Our body needs a good amount of fluid every day. The healthy drinks are useful for this healthy purpose. Many have the doubt that which is healthful fluid apart from pure water – tea, coffee, milk, juices or boiled water – which is best healthy drink option. Here some important healthful drinks can be analyzed both for adults and kids.
Importance of Healthy Drink Recipes in Modern Life:
As above said, that fluid is an essential part of healthy living. According to Rig – Veda, “Water is the basic factor which causes life’s existence. Water is the energy for nature.” The recent researches revealed that 1.5 to 2 litre water content is essential for healthy body. But one thing to remember is more water beyond need would make more work for the kidney. So drink pure water or healthy drinks as per need.
Healthful Drinks Option and Their Importance:
Generally, it can say that the most popular healthy beverages are
- Milk
- Fiber Juices
- Green Tea
- Water
Through further reading, it can find out the precious role of these common healthy fluids for maintaining smart life with complete health.
Milk – Beverage for Healthy Life:
Milk is one among the complete foods. Besides it, experts consider it as a healthy beverage. Both for adults and kids, it provides health components for life. Milk as a healthy drink contains the following vitamins and minerals.
- Vitamin – A, B2, Biotin
- Minerals – Iodine, Molybdenum, Calcium.
All of you know that vitamin A is helpful for the health of eyes. Vitamin A in milk helps to healthy growth rate, blood cell production, tissue formation and also provides resistance power against infections. Vitamin B2 in milk is helpful to overcome many unhealthy conditions like burning tongue, cracking and red lips, etc. Biotin in milk helps to prevent hair loss. So, as a health providing drink, milk is the perfect option.
Like the vitamin content, milk is also rich with sufficient minerals calcium, iodine, molybdenum. Calcium content in milk products and milk offers better bone building, good muscle functioning and hormone regulation. The iodine is for healthy growth of thyroid gland and cell formation. Milk’s molybdenum component is essential for proper growth and development. Phosphate and calcium in milk provide a healthy skeletal system of a body.
Green Tea – Proper Drink for the Healthy Diet:
Many people are loving tea for refreshment. Besides this refreshment purpose tea has many healthful purposes, especially green tea. So, the green tea will be recommended as proper health drink to the routine. Tea contains ‘catechins’ – the chemical substance that saves the human body from various cancers – breast cancer, prostate cancer. It is better for ladies. Green tea decreases the amount of unhealthy cholesterol – LDL – and provides protection for the heart. Green tea is also helpful for brain development. It enhances memory. According to nutritional experts green tea or leaf tea is better for old aged people. It is equivalent to a tonic for them.
Green tea as a healthy fluid contains a good amount of magnesium. It helps to a healthy growth of the body. It avoids laziness and tiredness also. Tea is helpful to get rid of infections, dysentery. So the world recognized the value of green tea as a healthy drink.
Healthy Fiber Juices – Better Drinks Overcome Modern Illness:
Fiber Contained juices are healthful and rich with different vitamins and minerals. Many natural fruits are fiber rich. The healthy fiber contained fruits are orange, apples, berries and banana. I think most recognized among them is orange.
Due to the fiber content in orange, it enhances the digestion. The orange juice helps to maintain the youthfulness. Pregnant ladies should drink the orange juice for a healthy, pretty baby. The juice’s components can refresh the cells. Nowadays we have unhealthy food habits. Some of those cannot avoid by us. But high fiber content drinks like orange juices overcome the unhealthy affects of the junk foods and provide a healthy set up to the body. So make a habit of drinking orange juice for a healthful life.
Best Health Drink Option – Water:
As said above water is the major source of energy in nature. Nature provided everything for better life. So water is the most precious natural health drink. One should maintain their body with 70% of water. Boiling of water will lead to the destruction of germs in it. But one thing should remember. It is better to drinks cold boiled water because Tap water in many countries contains chlorine as a cleanser. But its presence will not make the water pure, but unhealthy. So use chlorine – less water. Depend on pure, chemical – less healthy water.
By following the below four rules to drink water, people can save from 100 types of diseases. Notice the following four things in life.
1) Don’t Drink Water While Eating or Just After the Meal:
Yes, it is not better to have water during eating the food and just after finishing the food. The water which consumes soon after the meal is equivalent to poison. The reason is simple. As it is known, the food will enter into epicastrium of the digestive system which is similar to a heart. When the food enters into this place is under a cooking process by some acids. Think about pouring of water to a five place. The fire will be extinguished and the food will not cook well. Like that, when anyone drinks water even it is pure water, it will harmful for proper digestion of the consumed food. This undigested food contains a lot of unhealthy substances which cause many health issues in the body.
- When one can Drink Water after Meal:
The proper answer to this question is after at least one hour. A gas problem might felt after the food. This is due to partial digestion of the food. The full digestion will stop by the water that is drunk in between the food. Water can be drink before the food. But it had better to drink before 40 minutes.
2) How to Drink Water in a Healthy Way:
The water should be drink zip by zip. Don’t drink a huge amount of water at a time, zip by zipping water drinking will lead to proper digestion of food particles in your stomach. This lesson can study from nature itself. All the birds and animals are drinking water zip by zip. It is the healthy way.
3) Avoid Cool Water which is unhealthy:
The refrigerated water, water from the water cooler and iced water are not good for health. Nowadays man cannot avoid these types of waters. There is a temperature difference between the body and the cold water. The body should work a lot to heat this water or the water will cool the body. Both these above cases are harmful to the body.
4) Drink Pure Water Soon After awake for Healthy Life:
The fourth rule of healthy water drinking is to drink 2-3 glasses of water soon after awakening in the morning. It is due to the below reason. In the morning the amount of acidity in a body would be high. The saliva in a mouth is good alkali. When water is drunk, this alkaline saliva will go to the stomach and act with more acid there. This water is also good for cleaning stomach by putting sufficient pressure in the stomach. This will feel to go to the toilet within 2-3 minutes. It will clear the stomach. It avoids illness from the life.