Men with beard more protected from deadly bacteria than shaved

Beard is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). Islam enforces every male to take beard. Recently, a scientific study has revealed such a benefit that you people will be amazed to know.
The Sun, the British magazine, reported that a British doctor Karan Rajan referred the study posted in his TikTok account video, terming the beard is very useful for men’s health, protecting their faces from dangerous bacterias.

In this regard, a study was conducted on the workers of a hospital. During the study, it came to know that those beard workers, have three times less deadly bacterial superbug MRSA on their faces. This is such a dangerous bacteria that many antibiotics are ineffective and its treatment becomes almost impossible.
Dr. Rajan was of the view, the toxic bacteria is found three times more on the male staff of the hospital without beard. In addition, the other bacterias and germs were relatively less many times as compared to the men without beard.
It can be spread easily in hospitals and becomes harder to tackle with each patient it infects. This bacteria is carried on the skin and inside the nostrils and throat. In the light of above study, the experts recommended all the men to take beard.