
National Anthem of Pakistan With Different Sounds From Moto Z

National Anthem of Pakistan With Different Colours and Instrumentals

By: Muniba Mahmood

What comes first in the mind when we hear the words like Patriotism, Nationalism, Devotion, Loyalty and Love!!!!

Are these just the common words or there is some specialty in these words!!!!!

Anyone, whose heart is filled with the love for the country, truly knows the meaning of these words. These words are dipped in great feelings and emotions that individual must possess if he is patriotic.

Patriotism actually means the love and affection for the country, it founds naturally inside the heart because a country is like a mother who always remains with us in all circumstances. The country is the place where an individual spends all his life, where he played and got young and gets the unique identity as a nation and many things to be proud of. So, why not one feels affection for that land? Ask the importance of the country to the people who are far away from their country, they badly miss each and everything of the country like its people, its weather, its language and even its food too.

Pakistan is the country that gives too much to be proud of. The most important is the unique identity that no matter in which corner of the world the person is, he recognizes himself as a Pakistani. It is obligatory for each and every individual to give something in return to the country and does something special and show their strength and worth. The people like Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Abdul Sattar Edhi, Dr. Ruth Pfau brought much pride to the nation. There is a list of such dedicated men who spent their whole lives in their duties to the country.

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan

Abdul Sattar Edhi

Dr. Ruth Pfao

Like many other symbols of Pakistan, the National anthem is one of the greatest symbol of Pakistan that gives pride and dignity to the nation. Pakistan’s national anthem is one of the best in the world and leading the spirits of people to the height. Recently a Multinational Technology Company named as ‘Lenovo‘ by its subsidiary company ‘Motorola Mobility‘ released the true sounds of the National Anthem while launching its two new Moto Z Smart Phones. This masterpiece shows great attachment and love with the mother homeland.

The sounds are created by using instruments like Dhol, Sitar, Flute, Tuba, Piano and Tabla and resulted in delivering an awesome track filled with emotions. It contains the different musical tones that give new look to the national anthem. No doubt this version is so unique and impressive. It’s mesmerizing music simply tickles the hearts and gives amazing patriotic feelings.

The video beautifully captured the best scenes of all the four provinces along with the new version of the anthem that one cannot stop listening and even cannot stop watching it and found himself deeply involved in the rhythmic music.

It showcases the great cultural heritage of each province that is so fascinating and eye catching. The ending gives the goose bumps and makes us want to love Pakistan more than before.

Today we live as an independent nation, its more than a miracle, it took many sacrifices, so we must thankful for all the good things that country gave us rather than criticizing on what it does not. We must work on the development of the country to raise the name of Pakistan in the world.

“Be Creative & Think Innovative because Different is Better”

Here’s the video

Experience different is better with exciting sights and sounds of the national anthem
Moto Z National Anthem (Instrumental)

Blogger: Nasir Taimoori
The writer is a Freelance Journalist who regularly writes on different social issues.

Nasir Taimoori

Nasir Taimoori is a freelance journalist working for different digital publications. He writes on various social, national and international issues. He also has an interest in translation. If you want to contribute or share anything, feel free to contact us:

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