Sweden, Denmark considering to stop desecration of sacred books

Sweden and Denmark have begun considering stopping incidents of desecration of religious books as security concerns increase.
According to the Danish Foreign Ministry, protests in response to the desecration of the Holy Quran could turn out in extreme form.
“Therefore, the government is looking for a legal way that does not affect freedom of expression or disrespect other countries or cultures,” he said.
According to the Swedish Prime Minister, he is in contact with the Danish Prime Minister to resolve the matter.
On the other hand, a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is being held today at the request of Saudi Arabia and Iraq on the desecration of the Holy Quran.
Recently, there were incidents of desecration and burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden and Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.
There is a lot of anger among Muslims all over the world over the desecration of the Holy Quran.