Tablet, the Market is Still Growing

The tablets are the most important change came in the technology industry in recent years. The onset of the iPad has in fact signed the birth of a new market segment that has since continued to march rhythms excellent and shows no signs of slowing down in any way. The proof of this theorem comes through analyst firm Forrester, a poll which puts emphasis on what could well be the data from the tablet market over the next year, with numbers growing.
According to forecasts by Forrester, in fact, by 2016 at least 112.5 million U.S. citizens have purchased a digital tablet, or about 34% of adult stars and stripes. In Europe the situation seems destined to follow a path quite similar: in this case the figures speak of 105 million users with a tablet in their hands, about 30% of European citizens. Assuming that the average user will change each tablet every two years, then, for the U.S. market alone, sales are expected to nearly 300 million units in the period 2010 to 2016.
Numbers, these, which allow to include in a manner quite clear how the interest of the world population is constantly increasing in relation to a product which has proved to be able to shift the balance of the entire field of technology, threatening strongly the PC industry and in some cases piling up with the segment smartphone. To dominate the market, according to Forrester, Apple will still be with the iPad, at least for some years, and data on sales of tablet Cupertino bring to light how well these devices are now widely used not only in developed nations, but also in several other areas of the globe.
In the meantime, though, Android continues to gain merit, however, is not to be attributed to manufacturers such as Samsung or Motorola, long intertwined with robot green, but to companies like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, which have enabled the platform license plate Google. According to Forrester, with much lower prices than other solutions on the market: a factor, this, that has turned the spotlight on products like the Kindle Fire, able to reach 3 million units sold during the first month of life.
Tablet, better if only WiFi: Only one in ten acquires a tablet with 3G connectivity, because of the price of data plan and beyond.
The tablet with 3G connectivity have not been as successful as hoped by the telephone operators: very few consumers choose them, preferring instead the only version with Wi-Fi connectivity. As it emerges from a recent survey conducted by analyst Chetan Sharma, about 90% of digital tablets sold in the U.S. in 2011 were in fact devoid of 3G.
When a user is going to buy a new tablet, so difficult to opt for the version with 3G connectivity, it also usually requires a much greater outlay – about 100 Euros – to buy it. It follows that the telcos are becoming less important when it comes to choosing the tablet.
One of the main reasons for the little attraction for the 3G, in addition to price and resides in the impossibility of a plan to share data with other devices, which, however – at least in the U.S. – should change this year, as specified by Chetan Sharma. Moreover, the price is considered excessive levels of data necessary to navigate the Web on the move.
Today, most of the owners of a tablet using a Wi-Fi then surf the Net, now present almost everywhere, such as home, office, public places and in a growing number of outlets. Having now available a fixed wireless connection at home and at work, consumers believe that there is no need to spend extra money for a data plan or a device that supports 3G or 4G. As pointed out by research, those who opt for 3G are probably hardcore gamers and those who work in business and need to travel frequently.
He was therefore right when Mark Zuckerberg claimed that the tablets were not strictly (or at least they were not yet) mobile devices. They are in the sense that they are desktop, perhaps, but their use in the home or office prevails extensively compared to real function furniture. The choice of Wi-Fi is in this sense obvious, then: free home can be used without limitation and without additional costs, leaving the portability of smartphones all that is really the mobility.