Tea, Love, and Tradition: The Story of Turkish Wedding Rituals

In Türkiye, if the girl likes the groom, she expresses it in a unique way. In Türkiye too, there is a tradition of marrying with the choice of the family. The boy goes to the girl’s house with his family, where the girl and her family see the boy, but when liked, not the traditional style, but something unique is done.
This tradition is not followed now everywhere in Türkiye, but it is often adopted that when the girl brings tea to the boy to see him and if she likes the boy, then at the same time drops a little tea in the tray, which means that the girl says yes to the relationship.
A video in this regard is very popular on social media, in which it can be seen that a girl comes and puts a tray of tea in front of the boy, sees it and then leaves shyly while sprinkling some tea on the saucer.